No other quick reference comes close in covering the diagnosis and treatment of hundreds of diseases in dogs and cats. Etienne Côté’s Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats, 3rd Edition is like six books in one — with concise topics within sections on diseases and disorders, procedures and techniques, differential diagnosis, laboratory tests, clinical algorithms, and a drug formulary. Revised from cover to cover, this edition includes dozens of new topics. It also includes free access to a fully searchable companion website featuring an electronic version of the text, all of the book’s images, a searchable drug formulary, and 150 Client Education Sheets in both English and Spanish.
- Section I: Diseases and Disorders provides at-a-glance coverage of more than 800 common medical problems, arranged alphabetically for immediate access. Entries include a definition, synonyms, epidemiology, clinical presentation, etiology and pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, diagnostic workup, treatment, prognosis and outcome, plus pearls and considerations. Concise descriptions simplify diagnosis and treatment.
- Section II: Procedures and Techniques offers illustrated, step-by-step instructions for understanding and performing 118 important clinical procedures. The procedures range from the simplest (e.g., cystocentesis), through the intermediate (e.g., bone marrow aspiration) to the most complex (e.g., lithotripsy).
- Section III: Differential Diagnosis displays nearly every possible cause for 286 different clinical disorders, with dozens of new 2-column (“How to differentiate”) tables in this edition.
- Section IV: Laboratory Tests summarizes essential information needed for interpreting 168 commonly-used or specialized lab tests.
- Section V: Clinical Algorithms provides decision trees for the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making processes involved in managing 91 of the most common clinical conditions/disorders.
- Section VI: Drug Formulary is a compilation of dosages and other relevant information for more than 500 new and current medications.
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